Sydney Sinus Surgery Course
Course Directors:
Prof Raewyn Campbell and Richard Harvey
Esteemed local and internation faculty
The course is aimed at practising surgeons and registrars. Non accredited Registrars are also welcome. The course is aimed at practising surgeons and registrars.
Advanced areas of surgical management will be covered.
There is a focus on integrated medical and surgical management. Modern concepts of airway based approach will be discussed. Live surgery is planned on Friday morning. Lectures and discussions will prepare the participants for two afternoon sessions in the dissection laboratory.
Go to the website for this years details:
Contact: Melinda

August every year
Clinic Conference room
St Vincents Hospital
438 Victoria St Darlinghurst, NSW
Sydney, Australia
360 Degree Anterior and Lateral Skull Base Dissection Course
Course Directors:
Prof James Bowman and Ben Panizza
Esteemed international and local faculty including:
Invited guests
Professor Arturo Solares (USA), Professor Shaan Raza (USA), Professor Giovanni Danesi (Italy) .Professor Richard Harvey (Aust)
Queensland Skull Base Unit
Ben Panizza, James Bowman, Damian Amato
Hamish Alexander, Jason Papacostas, Mitesh Gandhi, Tiarnan Magos
This 3 day course is designed to study skull base anatomy and the associated approaches from anterior and lat-eral including endoscopic skull base but also for those established teams to proceed to the most complex levels of endoscopic surgery
Contact: Office Manager

The University of Queensland
Department of Anatomy & Developmental Biology
Otto Hirschfeld Building
St Lucia, Brisbane, Qld 4072
June 26-28th 2025
ANZSBS 2023 annual scientific meeting (ASM)
The 2023 ASM in collaboration with the Unitversity of Utah in Salt Lake, UH, USA has now been confirmed
This meeitng will be held at the Rustler Hotel on the slopes of SnowBIrd/Alta.
The primary hotel hosting this event will be the The Rustler Lodge. Bookings are full board. An option will be Snowpine Lodge, 10420 Little Cottonwood Rd | Alta, Utah 84092.
The ASM will also be the venue for the Annual General meeting for the society.

Enquire about registration as no block reservations have been kept and availiability at the hotel will only be availiable until sold out.
Checkin 8th January 2023 to Saturday 14th January 2023
Skull Base Webinar Series
An exciting series of topical lectures and live Q&A by leading skull base surgeons both in Australia and contributions internationally
All areas covered but a preliminary topics include:
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
Acoustic Neuromas
Temporal Bone Malignancy
Perineural Spread
Radiology of Skull Base
Current management of paragangliomas
Controversial Cases including submission of cases from members
Contact: Prof Richard Harvey

Every 8 weeks
Starts October 6th 2021
Available to members only
Sydney Sinus Surgery Course 2021
The course is aimed at practising surgeons and registrars. Non accredited Registrars may attend as Non Dissectors
Advanced areas of surgical management will be covered.
There is a focus on integrated medical and surgical management. Modern concepts of airway based approach will be discussed. Live surgery is planned on Friday morning. Lectures and discussions will prepare the participants for two afternoon sessions in the dissection laboratory.
Contact: Kate Turner

28-30 Oct 2021
Clinic Conference room
St Vincents Hospital
438 Victoria St Darlinghurst
The Sydney Sinus Surgery Course (NSW)
************New date/Postponed due to covid. November 26-28th*******
The course focuses on the integrated medical and surgical management. Modern concepts of airway based approach will be discussed. Live surgery is planned on Friday morning. Lectures and discussions will prepare the participants for two afternoon sessions in the dissection laboratory.
Our invited speakers are:Dr Andrew Thamboo – is an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada. He completed his medical degree and residency at University of British Columbia (UBC). During this time, he obtained another degree in Masters in Health Sciences concentrating on study design and epidemiology. He was awarded the Dr. I.B. Holubitsky Memorial Award for demonstrating the highest of surgical excellence at UBC. Dr. Thamboo then completed a two-year fellowship in Rhinology and Skull Base Fellowship at Stanford University. Dr. Thamboo medically and surgically manages chronic sinusitis and sinonasal tumors for a large part of Western Canada. He also has a basic science lab with an interest in the unified airway hypothesis and personalized medicine. Dr. Thamboo is recognized as a leader in the field in Canada, speaking at national and international meetings. He is also the chair of the Rhinology program for International Federation of Otolaryngology Society meeting happening in 2021.
Dr Jean Anderson Eloy is currently Professor and Vice Chair of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. He serves as the Director of Rhinology and Sinus Surgery, Director of Otolaryngology Research, and Co-Director of the Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Program. Dr. Eloy also has joint appointments as Professor of Neurological Surgery and Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. He is currently the President of University Physician Associates of New Jersey, Inc., The Faculty Practice Plan of Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, the Vice President of the Doctor’s Center Management Corporation, the Vice President of the New Jersey Academy of Otolaryngology/New Jersey Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, and the Chair and Chief of Service of the Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery at Saint Barnabas Medical Center. His clinical/surgical interests and area of expertise include medical and surgical management of refractory rhinosinusitis, endoscopic management of sinonasal neoplasia, cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea, ventral skull base lesions, endoscopic revision sinus surgery, and computer – aided sinus surgery.
All members of the faculty have a wide experience in the management of sinus disease and endoscopic surgical techniques. They are joined by leading physicians involved in the management of upper airways disease, who all have academic appointments at major teaching facilities.
Local faculty: Prof Richard Harvey, A/Prof Raewyn Campbell, Prof Raymond Sacks, A/Prof Larry Kalish, A/Prof Janet Rimmer, Dr Geoff Wilcsek, A/Prof Nick Stow, A/Prof Yuresh Naidoo, Prof Pete Smith, Prof Stuart Mackay, Prof Connie Katelaris, Dr Justin Kong, Dr Harshita Pant, Dr Catherine Banks

6,7,8 August 2020
26-28th November
8:00am Thursday AEST
Registration at 8:00am
Conference Room
St Vincent’s Clinic, 438 Victoria St, Darlinghurst. NSW 2010
[email protected]
ANZSBS inaugural annual scientific meeting (ASM)
Current plans were to host the ASM in collaboration with the Unitversity of Utah in Salt Lake, UH, USA.
This meeitng will be placed on hold until the Covid 19 pandemic stabilises.
The next ASM will likely be delayed but will still proceed at the same venue.
The primary hotel hosting this event will be the Snowpine Lodge, 10420 Little Cottonwood Rd | Alta, Utah 84092. An option will be The Rustler Lodge.
The ASM will also be the venue for the Annual General meeting for the society.

4-8 Jan 2021
5:00pm AEST (4th)
Deferred to post CoVid
Registration from 1:00pm
Function Conference
Snowpine Lodge, Alta, Utah, USA,