Clinical Teams

The Queensland Skull Base MDT

The Princess Alexandria Hospital has a diverse group of specialists with expertise in the management of both benign and malignant disease of the skull base. Patients of the Princess Alexandria Hospital has access to a Friday MDT meeting that reviews the pathology, radiology and clinical assessments to provided both an holistic and evidence based approach to the best possible outcome.


Cheryl Kelly

+61-7-3176 2315

Fax +61-7-3176 5213


Correspondence to:

Shirley Littlemore, Office Manager

+61-7-3176 5266

Outpatient Appointments

+61-7-3176 6083

+61-7-3176 6054

Fax +61-7-3176 2502


Friday 0700hrs

1D OPD (first floor orange lifts), Main building

Princess Alexandra Hospital

199 Ipswich Rd Woolloongabba 4102

Should you require further details regarding this appointment please contact the nurse clinic coordinator on 3176 2315.

Consultations run from 7am to approximately 8.30am.

You are then asked to return at 9.30am to discuss the outcome of the meeting.  The clinic will conclude by approx. 10am.

PA Hospital Website

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Skull Base Surgery Service

Skull Base MDT

The RBWH Skull Base Unit draws patients from our large catchment area as one of the biggest Hospital and Health Service districts in Australia, and the RBWH Head and Neck Cancer MDT. The RBWH Skull Base MDT is a true multi-disciplinary team meeting which includes a number of representatives from Neuro- and Interventional radiology, Neurosurgery, Ear Nose and Throat Surgery, Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology and Pathology and their junior staff. The meeting occurs on a fortnightly basis (Fridays), and provides a sub-specialty opinion to both internally and externally referred patients. Although the RBWH Skull Base MDT is happy to assist in the active management of patients, often an opinion on management is all that is required. The service provides anterior and lateral skull base surgery in a 360-degree approach to the skull base. A dedicated Skull Base Fellow provides a central contact point and assists in coordinating patient presentation and follow-up.

Pituitary MDT

The RBWH Pituitary MDT is a combination of Skull Base Radiologists, Endocrinology and Neurosurgery. It meets monthly and provides management guidance in conjunction with a pituitary outpatient clinic where patients are seen in person and their management discussed in a multi-disciplinary format. This provides important teaching opportunities to the registrars and fellows, as well as an opportunity for patients to understand their management plan in detail.

Contact details

Skull Base MDT  Coordinator – Hannah Kopsala        


Chair – Dr Ryan Sommerville               


Pituitary MDT

MDT Coordinator – Margaret Lewis   Email:

Chair – Dr Michael d’Emden


Macquarie University Hospital Skull Base MDT

MQ Health has an experienced multidisciplinary skull base clinic and is an uncommon resource in Australia. Skull base tumours and infections can be some of the most challenging conditions to treat due to their location and proximity to vital structures. As an academic and clinical health sciences centre, MQ Health is fortunate to have multiple specialists with expertise in this field. Macquarie University patients, with pathology involving the base of skull, are able to attend this clinic and have coordinated, world-class care provided by our team. This includes surgeons from multiple specialties (ENT, neurosurgery, oculoplastic, plastic and reconstructive), ophthalmologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, endocrinologists, pathologists and allied health practitioners such as audiologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists and physiotherapists. The MDT also provides doctors from all over Australia an opportunity to discuss their patients with our team and seek a coordinated opinion regarding their care. Integral in the delivery of care at Macquarie University is the integration of research to further help our patients and to improve their outcomes.


Every 4th Friday 0700hrs

3 Technology Pl, Macquarie University NSW 2109

Should you require further details regarding this appointment please contact the nurse clinic coordinator via (02) 98123000.

MUH website


St Vincents Hospital Pituitary MDT

St Vincent’s Hospital Multidisciplinary Pituitary Team (MDT) comprises members of endocrinology, neurosurgery, ENT, pathology, radiology and oncology departments.

The team meets on a fortnightly basis to discuss new patients or patients undergoing surgery and to review the management of existing patients. Pre-operative consultations are conducted by our specialist endocrine nurse to facilitate patient education, provide support and help coordinate pituitary tumour bio-banking. A dedicated pituitary Fellow liaises with members of the team to facilitate the organisation of meetings and to assist in the smooth transition of patients between inpatient and outpatient care.


•Meets fortnightly and reviews 70% of all patients having pituitary surgery in New South Wales

•Quarternary referral

•Sydney Pituitary Collaborative Group – Ann McCormack chair •International reputation in the field of pituitary medicine and surgery

•Community outreach and education

Australian Pituitary Foundation patient seminars, GP, GPCE & Nursing education series, indigenous health, National Geographic series

•Protocol development

Patient support services

•questionnaires, nurse-led clinics, collaboration with Australian Pituitary Foundation

Every 2nd Friday 0800hrs

The Kinghorn Cancer Centre, 370 Victoria St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

Enquiries about the St Vincent’s Hospital Pituitary Service should be directed to the chair, Prof Ann McCormack via (02)  (02) 8382 6553

Contact: Email Suzanne Emery, Departmental Secretary

SVHA website


Macquarie University Pituitary & Neuoendocrine MDT

Macquarie is a pituitary centre of excellence. The Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumour Clinic is a multidisciplinary clinic treating patients affected by
tumours in and around the pituitary gland, as well as other neuroendocrine tumours. Patients with these conditions have broad clinical manifestations, but particularly apparent when they impact hormone or visual function.

The team meets on a 4th weekly basis to discuss new patients or existing patients needing endocrinology, neurosurgical, opthalmalogical and radiation
oncology consultation.

Book an appointment at MQ Health Clinical Care Centre on +61 (2) 9887 8899 or by email:
Telehealth appointments are also available.

Typical appointments are on a Thursday morning every fortnight, in the combined Pituitary Clinic. Urgent consultations can be arranged separately with Professor Antonio Di Ieva and/or Associate
Professor Veronica Preda

Contact: MQ Clinical care team

Every 2nd Friday 0800hrs

Every 4th Thursday 0800hrs

Onsite at Macquarie University Hospital, 3 Technology Pl, Macquarie
University NSW 2109

Enquiries should be directed to the c MQ Health Clinical Care Centre
on +61 (2) 9887 8899 

Contact: MQ Clinical care team